Can you guess all the riddles?????
(Answers will be revealed on Friday)
1- What has to be broken before you can use it?
2- What is the easiest way to double your money?
3- What belongs to you but is used more by others?
Non idazten da?
ErantzunEzabatuMikel dakit erantzunak, korreoz bidali dizut, ok?
ErantzunEzabatuYou can write your answers here!
ErantzunEzabatuMikel I now the answer for the first one.
ErantzunEzabatuIt is the silence?
Mikel this is the second but in a video.
eta es bazaizu ateratzen bilatu interneten COMO DUPLICAR TU DINERO. ETA SARTU EN La regla 72. orrelako zerbait.
ErantzunEzabatuAnd the therd is the name.
ErantzunEzabatuThe therd one is the name.
ErantzunEzabatuWell done guys! Here are the answers:
ErantzunEzabatu1- Egg
2- Put it in front of the mirror of course!
3- Your name
More riddles soon!
I adivinar the ultima