
Data honetako argitalpenak ikusgai: apirila, 2016



The lemon battery by Joseba!

The lemon battery  by: Joseba! Joseba tried at home the lemon battery experiment. Do you like the result?  It´s amazing!!


Kaixo! Euskararen TXANTXANGORRIAK asmakizun bat utzi du gure blogean. Norbaitek badaki zeri buruz ari den gure txoria? Utz itzazue zuen erantzunak iruzkinetan!

Lemon Battery!

Next week we are going to try the next experiment in class. In the following video we can learn how to do it. What do you think, can we build our own lemon battery????? ANSWER........SOON!

Renewable energy!

Renewable energy sources  Hydroelectric energy:  Solar energy:  Wind energy: 

Nuclear energy

How it works the nuclear energy? 

Energy: Potential and Kinetic energy

ENERGY  How many forms of energy are there? What are the differences between Potential and Kinetic energy?

Robin Hood theatre!

Robin Hood theatre in Niessen Aretoa 02-03-2016 Here you have some great photos taken during the play!

The Butterfly Circus

One of the best short films ever filmed. An inspiring story of a man without limbs. Not only for the students, but also for our parents! PLOT: At the height of the Great Depression, the showman of a renowned circus discovers a man without limbs being exploited at a carnival sideshow, but after an intriguing encounter with the showman he becomes driven to hope against everything he has ever believed.


Gelan bideo bat ikusi dugu. Gogorra izan arren, errealitatean gertatzen da eta arazo horren aurrean tinko agertu behar gara. Animatuko zarete zure irizpideak jartzen? Ziur baietz, Zalantzaren bat baduzue, hemen uzten dizuegu linka argitzeko: